Non-Toxic Period Products

I was shocked when I discovered that conventional pads and tampons contain a laundry list of endocrine disrupting chemicals (toxins). These can affect the microbiome of your vagina, plus when an EDC enters your blood stream the only way out of your body is through your liver. And if your liver is struggling to keep up with all its daily tasks, then the toxins coming in from your pad or tampon are actually adding to your PMS symptoms.

Wild, isn't it! How such a simple innocent product, that we need to help us with our periods could actually be adding to our Period Problems.

The good news is there are AMAZING companies popping up all over the world that make non-toxic period products designed to be safe for you and the planet, which I’ll tell you about in a moment.

Period cups and discs are just now having their moment in the sun but they’ve actually been around for over 100 years! The first cups were invented in 1867, which predates the first pads. These days both cups and discs are made from medical-grade silicone, rubber, latex, or elastomer and last up to 10 years. TEN YEARS!

To use a cup (pictured above) you just squish the sides together and insert it into your vaginal canal. There is sits, ready to catch your flow and can be left inside your body for up to 12 hours. In case you’re thinking WTF, I still don’t get it, how is that possible… then girlfriend, you have a whole new world to start exploring. I suggest starting with the Instagram accounts below. They focus on educating you on the wonders of a menstrual cup, plus how to use them and what size to choose:

  • @putacupinit

  • @menstrual_cups

Now, there is more to toxin free period products than just cups and disc’s. In light of that, here’s a short list of companies who make toxin free period products:

  • ModiBodi - Aussie owned period undies company, they now make biodegradable period undies, check the out here >>

  • Thinx - a US based company who put period undies on the map. Started by the social entrepreneur Miki Agrawal, side note her book Disrupt-Her: A Manifesto for the Modern Woman - is dynamite >>

  • Hanna Pad -Aussie made reusable organic pads >>

  • Tom Organic - Aussie based subscription company, these guys do it all certified organic pads, tampons, plus cups and underwear >>

  • Saalt - B Corp certified, totally international, they make cups, discs and underwear >>

  • Juju - they do it all! Cups, cloth pads, underwear and it’s made in Australia >>

  • The Hello Cup - a New Zealand company, B Corp certified - this is the brand I use - they make cups and discs >>

There are of course loads more out there. If you’re ready to ditch your conventional pads or tampons this is a great place to start.

The internet is your oyster! Get googling and find yourself some new products that help the planet and your lady parts.

If you need help with your lady parts or your Period Problems, I'm your gal. Find out the 3 ways I can help you!


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