6 Immediate Solutions to Period Pain

Just like a 90s Pantene commercial - getting rid of Period Problems won't happen over night, but it will happen.

I help women implement long term solutions to Period Problems. But if you're in Pain right now, you need solutions right now!

In light of this I've put together a list of things you can do now that will help your Pain. And the best bit is, most of these solutions will also work towards helping your Period Problems in the future.

In case you were wondering; Period Problems can not be solved by the Pill or other hormonal birth control. Hormonal birth control only works by stopping your bodies normal hormonal fluctuations, basically making your body think you’re in menopause.

In order to truly get to the root of your Period Problems you will have to make changes to your diet, lifestyle and habits. These changes can take time to implement, so here’s my list of Period Pain relief options for right now:

  1. Castor Oil Pack

    You’ll need to do this in the days before your period begins. It works by increasing the circulation around your uterus which can result in less Period Pain. Click here to read my how-to guide.

  2. Get a Noha device by Ovira

    This is an Australian invention that works by placing two compression pads attached to the device on your lower abdomen. An electrical current is sent through the compression pads which causes the muscles of the uterus to relax. It’s a great solution if you’re not ready to get to the root cause of your Pain. Click here to go to their website.

  3. Red raspberry leaf tea

    Again, you’ll need to drink this in the days leading up to your period as well as when you are menstruating. The tea helps to minimise spasms associated with Painful Periods and has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce muscle spasms that can cause cramps.

  4. Rest!

    Your hormones are at their lowest during your period and your body is performing an extra task; your uterus has to make small contractions in order to get the endometrial lining (your period blood) out of your body. This is taxing on your body and if you choose to slow down, your body will thank you. Pushing through your Pain will not help your Pain.

  5. Heat

    A hot water bottle, warm bath, or hot shower can all help to get your blood moving and easy your cramps. I love a good sauna, a light (not too hot) sauna and stretching session can do wonders for Pain.

  6. Gentle movement

    This might seem counter intuitive but gentle movement can help the uterus relax. Try a restorative yoga class or search “restorative yoga” on YouTube. I also like Qigong, it’s a Chinese moving mediation practice, again YouTube is a great place to start.

That’s my 6 tips for immediate Period Pain relief.

If you want real, long lasting solutions to your Period Pain and PMS it’s 100% possible. You can eliminate your Period Problems naturally and holistically through some specific diet and lifestyle changes. I coach women to do just this, if you want to know how check out the 3 ways I can help you by clicking here.


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