Hey there,

I’m Gemma

Period Coach & Menstrual Educator

I’m a Melbourne girl, a whippet mamma, home renovator and sauna lover.

I’m an ex-professional dancer, wedding DJ, cafe manager and marketing coordinator who quit her job to pursue the dream of changing the world one woman at a time. I’m ready to listen, guide and teach you how to harness the power of your hormones to live your best life.

I want to live in a world where women trust their bodies, understand their biology and take charge of their lives! 

For the last few years I’ve been insatiably curious about the female body. I wanted to know why some women seemed to have it all together and why I felt so emotionally unstable around ‘that time of the month’. After digging into books, podcasts and blogs I realised I wasn’t the only one suffering and I certainly wasn’t the only woman who didn’t know how her body worked. 

My head practically exploded with all the information I was soaking up. I wanted to spread the word, stand on a soap box and tell everyone I knew what I’d just learnt. But I felt inadequate and unqualified, who was I to take on a huge topic like this. 

After much soul searching I found the Institute of Integrative Nutrition which boasts inspiring alumni like Melissa Ambrosini, Sahara Rose, Alisa Vitti and incredible guest lectures like Deepak Chopra, Dr Christiane Northrup and Dr Mark Hyman, just to name a few. I’m now a certified Integrative Nutritional Health Coach, specialising in women’s hormones and my clients affectionately call me their Period Coach.

This is all really about you. Yes, YOU! 

I’m here to serve you. I want you to live everyday of your life without pain, without irritability, without counting calories, starving yourself or freaking out that you might be pregnant because you’re a few days late.

When you have confidence in your body and trust the timing of your natural ebbs and flows, you will be unstoppable. I know you have big dreams, I know you need more focus, more time and more energy. I know this because for years I was searching for all these things. And I finally found them when I trusted the process of making different choices everyday.

Choice + Time = Transformation

As a coach it’s my job to guide you through these small changes so you can realise the best version of yourself and live her life, as soon as bloody possible!

Through my free content, 1:1 health coaching and online program - I’ll guide you to a new understanding of your own body. An understanding of the intrinsic power you have as a woman. When you listen to your body, eat food that supports you and engage in physical activity that helps you thrive, you can create the life of your dreams. 

I’m here to tell you that your unique infradian rhythm* has your back. Everybody's body is different, so a one size fits all approach just won’t work. I want to give you the tools and confidence to make your own decisions. Whether you're a business owner, employee, student or a busy mum - I’ll teach you how to structure your month and choose the right foods to make you feel vibrant and healthy for the rest of your life.

Your infrdaian rhythm

*Infradian rhythm? What’s that?

An infradian rhythm is a biological cycle that’s longer than a day. I’m sure you already know about the circadian rhythm, it’s the daily rhythm that tells your body to wake up and go to sleep. When it gets dark your brain releases the hormone melatonin and you start to feel sleepy, this process is ruled by rise and fall of the sun.

In a woman’s body her infradian rhythm is her menstrual cycle. It follows the rhythm of the moon and it’s responsible for the rise and fall of her hormones. Which in turn has been responsible for such things as: the birth of the entire human race!

I am not a Guru. I don’t have all the answers, I make mistakes and at times I get heavy waves of imposter syndrome. But I’m always learning and I’ve made huge changes in my life, I feel better than I ever have and I finally understand my body. I’m here to teach you, guide you and support you. I’m committed to bringing you the very best of what I’ve learnt and what I practice in my own life. 

I really wish this stuff was taught in schools. Maybe one day it will be. Until then, I want you to put yourself first, learn about how your body works and demystify those monthly changes that have you reaching for the painkillers.

If you’ve read this far you’ve already started the process of creating a new and improved version of you. Because when you give yourself the opportunity to learn and grow you plant the seeds for bigger and better things.

If you want to stay connected and let’s face it I would absolutely love that! Sign up to my newsletter where I’ll pop into your inbox every week. Plus, you’ll get my awesome NEW eBook Free Yourself From Period Problems - The Unbelievable 3 Step Process for Naturally Balance Hormones. In the book I’ll walk you through the diet and lifestyle changes I made to completely eliminate my period pain and PMS symptoms. I can’t wait for you to read it and start making changes in your life.

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me. I’m beyond thrilled you’ve taken a step towards more happiness and health in your own life. I’m excited for the journey ahead.

With love,

xx Gemma 

Want more? There’s 3 ways I can help you; my free EBook, group coaching and 1 on 1 health coaching. CLICK HERE to find out more.