Make Your Period Your Superpower

How to Leverage Your Cycle for Success in Your Career or Business

Women lose more days of work for health reasons compared to men[1]. A Dutch study suggested 5 days a year is the average amount of time women are absent from work due to their periods[2]. An American study says women loose an average of 23.3 days a year in lost productivity[3]. Have you ever stopped to think about how dealing with your Period Pain, brain fog, and mood swings disrupts your productivity and impacts your career or business success?

What if you could turn your period into a superpower? What if you, not only didn’t lose time to your crappy periods, but you used your period as a powerful tool. I believe it's time to change the narrative, embrace our menstrual cycles and harness their power. You can thrive in a female body, without suppressing you hormones. You can optimise your work performance by leaning into and understanding your female body… I know you have big dreams, I know you want a bigger life, I want that for you too. Because ultimately when we all stand up and listen to the power of our cycles we can change the trajectory of the world.

The female experience has been silenced, while the patriarchal norms and values that dominate society have remained prevalent and reinforced. The path to symptom free periods is also the path to societal liberation. How do I know this? Well, the path to symptom free periods is about learning what works for us and what doesn’t, this could be food, relationships or boundaries. We also need to re-learn how to ride the waves of energy we naturally cycle through every month. This wave of energy follows a metaphorical death and re-birth process, it allows different feelings in different seasons and repeats every single cycle. It requires time for rest and reflection and time for doing and being all we can be. This is the archetipical female experince that has been forgotten, suppressed and shamed out of us. We have been living in a world shaped by male patterns that prioritise linearity, constant growth, and endless achievement, but this paradigm is proving unsustainable, as evidenced by the current state of late-stage capitalism.

Harnessing the superpowers of your female sex hormones and resolving your period issues through natural means is a revolutionary act of resistance. It enables you to reclaim your power, attain self-awareness, and prioritise your well-being as an individual. When you align with your body's needs and boundaries, you tap into your innate superpowers. The resulting hormonal balance allows you to effortlessly create a business that makes a difference in the world, nurture a career that empowers you to raise conscious and happy children, or write a book that transforms countless lives. This transformation begins with you and may not always be easy, but it is a worthwhile journey.

Let's examine some common experiences that women face in the workplace, which keep us in survival mode and prevent us from accessing our hormonal superpowers.

Dealing with debilitating Period Pain that forces you to reschedule important meetings can be frustrating and impact your productivity. It seems like a small thing, but if you’re not showing up as your best everyday (a luxury that’s afforded to our male counterparts) how can you give your best? How can you ever realise your dreams? By understanding and managing your menstrual cycle you can minimise or even eliminate your Period Pain, yes queen! When you learn how to track your cycle, identify patterns, change your diet and implement self-care strategies, you’ll never have to reschedule an important meeting.

Feeling foggy and tired for weeks each month, thanks to your PMS, is obviously going to hinder your work performance and progress in your business. But by leveraging your menstrual cycle, you can optimise your cognitive function and energy levels. By learning how to recognise the hormonal fluctuations that affect your brain function and energy levels, and schedule tasks accordingly to the ‘work smarter, not harder’ technique, you’ll achieve better results. Gurl! When you trust your body to show up for you and feel good regularly, you can take on the world.

Hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle can affect your moods and put a strain on relationships at work and at home. But by proactively listening to your emotions you can navigate your pre-menstrual phase with professionalism and grace. By balancing your hormones naturally (and eliminating your period symptoms) you will develop self-awareness, practice self-care and become a creative problem-solving powerhouses. This leads to a deep trust in yourself, effective leadership and confidence in selling yourself and/or your products.

It's time to acknowledge your menstrual cycle as a powerful tool and unlock its true potential. By breaking free from societal stigmas and the unconscious grasp of the patriarchy, you can harness the strength of your period to advance in your career, personal life, and business. I invite you to step into your full potential, leave behind your Period Problems, and embrace the woman you were always meant to be.

Are you ready to unleash your Period Power so you can thrive in your career or build your business?

Unleash Your Period Power: Accelerate Your Career & Business Success with Period Coaching, apply for 1:1 private coaching by clicking here.


  1. Avdic D, Johansson P. Absenteeism, gender and the morbidity–mortality paradox. J Appl Econom 2017; 32: 440–462.

  2. Productivity loss due to menstruation-related symptoms: a nationwide cross-sectional survey among 32 748 women doi 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026186

  3. Ponzo, S., Wickham, A., Bamford, R., Radovic, T., Zhaunova, L., Peven, K., Klepchukova, A., & Payne, J. L. (2022). Menstrual cycle-associated symptoms and workplace productivity in US employees: A cross-sectional survey of users of the Flo mobile phone app. Digital health, 8, 20552076221145852.


5 Things Causing Your Period Problems