Is your Blood-Sugar causing your Period Problems?

Pain au chocolat

Wouldn't it be nice to walk past a bakery without fighting yourself, with the question: to eat, or not to eat that freshly baked pain au chocolat? Wouldn't it be nice to say no to your well meaning colleague when they offer you a chocolate. Not, 'no because I'm being good' or 'no because I've got will power', just 'no thanks'.

If it’s normal for you enlist the strength of will power to stop you from eating the chocolate, you'll probably be surprised to hear these's another way. You see, not being able to resist sweet, sugary, simple carbohydrate rich foods is a sign your blood-sugar is out of balance. And when your blood-sugar is out of balance it’s impossible for your hormones to be functioning optimally.

Does this sound like you:

Feel sleepy at 3pm? Need a coffee to get going in the morning? Suddenly get hungry an hour after you eat? Feel shakey if you haven't eaten in a while? Always prepared with a snack in your handbag or in your desk draw? Feeling sleepy in the mornings but when it's time for bed you can't sleep? Wake up at 4am? Constantly thinking about food? Hangery on the regular?

If this is you, I see you, I've been there, it sucks! But guess what!? Your body is trying to tell you something! It wants to tell you to cool it on the simple carbs, those sugary foods.. chocolate. Did you know it's possible to feel full for 4-5 hours after a meal and not need to snack? Did you know it's possible to feel energised in the morning? Did you know it's possible to get through an afternoon without a coffee?

When you eat or drink simple carbohydrates; things like white bread, cakes, pastries, cookies, ice-cream, chocolate, champagne, lemonade and even cereal, you take your body on a blood-sugar rollercoaster. I love a hair-raising, heart pumping rollercoaster BUT blood-sugar rollercoasters are bad news babe. Simple carbohydrates are foods that are simple for your body to access the energy and are your ticket to for entry onto the blood-sugar rollercoaster from hell.

When you eat or drink simple carbohydrates your body gets a whole bunch of energy, which makes you feel high and then when that energy drops off, it makes you feel low. These spikes and dips are what make you feel like you need to 'eat right now', or need a coffee to get you through the day. All this up and down puts a strain on your body and has a negative affect on your hormones (as well as your overall health).

Consistent, stable blood-sugar is not just something for diabetics or pre-diabetics to think about. It's one of the keys to happy healthy hormones. So, how on earth do you get off the rollercoaster?

Step One: eat meals that contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

You might have to experiment with what makes you feel best but as a general rule when you eat all 3 macronutrients in one sitting your blood-sugar will be stable. AND there's good research supporting the idea of eating your veggies first as this will slow down the absorption of simple carbs. Therefore giving you more steady energy and no longer needing to ride the rollercoaster.

How do you know if your blood-sugar is actually balanced? You can try a continuous glucose monitor or you can simply observe how you feel. If you’re full for 4-5 hours after a meal and you feel energised throughout your day, most likely your blood-sugar will be balanced. Simple right!? If you need sweet treats to get through your day, your blood-sugar might be causing your Period Problems.

Are you ready to step off the blood-sugar rollercoaster?

I had personally ridden the blood-sugar rollercoaster most of my life. Cookies, pastries, chocolate and ice-cream were my go-to snacks and sometimes dinner…. I stepped off the rollercoaster a few years ago when I realised it was contributing to my horrendous Period Pain. The craziest thing is I no longer crave sweets, I also don’t drink coffee or caffeine and I wake up with energy, ready to get stuck into my day. I’ve help many women sort out their relationship with sugar and helped them eliminate things like cramps, anxiety, bloating and acne. If you want my help 👉click here 👈 to find out the 3 ways I can help you.


Periods & Productivity
